Search Engine Optimisation

Get your site on Page 1 of Google

Search Engine Optimisation

Driving SEO Traffic to Your Website

Take Your Competitor’s leads. Dominate in Google.

"Googling" a website has become the quickest and easiest way to find a business we know, or more importantly one we don’t know when we are looking to buy a product or service. The only use for the Yellow Pages these days is to give us that little extra height to reach the top shelf.


With this in mind it’s vital that your potential new customers can find you when they "Google away" to look for someone to buy your product from, or help them with the service that you provide. Ranking on Page 1 in Google is now key.


If they aren’t finding you in Google, then they definitely finding one of your competitors.


Set and forget for a website is no longer an option in an increasingly competitive online space. Now that it is up and running it’s time to drive traffic to it. You need to optimise your meta data and URL structure, look at your backlink profile and its anchor text all while dodging the Penguins and Pandas that Google may throw your way…


You can leave it to the experts!

Havealook’s expert Local SEO consultants can give you a call to discuss which competitors you want to rank above, and what you want your website to appear for when someone "Googles you".


Enquire now for an obligation free discussion with one of our Google Experts.