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Why first impressions are essential for your website?


Think about the last time you visited a subpar website. Was it complete with low graphics, poor navigation and subpar content? Did it fail to answer the important questions you had about the company? Was there a broken link on their contact page, rendering you unable to ask the all-important sale-defining question?


In a world where 63% of all shopping experiences begin online (Think with Google) it’s easy to see why your website should be one that the customer is immediately attracted to, and not one that they bounce from after a brief scroll over your lacklustre website and it’s content.

With this in mind, here are some key reasons why it is imperative to make an amazing first impression with potential customers:

It’s all about the look

A customer doesn’t want to visit an un-appealing website. Whilst we hate to be superficial about people’s online shopping & websites, style, function and conversion, whether that be micro or complete is your end goal when converting your customer base visiting your website.

It is imperative that you enlist the services of a reputable web development team who have your company’s best interests at heart and the experience to convey your company potential in a way that is appealing and highly elegant.


They increase credibility

Earned Credibility:
With your updated website, your visitors have had a positive experience with updated information, no text errors or broken links, expert advice & great customer service.

Reputed Credibility: A referral from a third party or unbiased reviewers who have had a positive experience with your website.

Presumed Credibility: Familiarity and assumptions, a brand they’ve heard of is more credible than an unknown

Surface Credibility: A visitor’s subjective opinion of your website (e.g, design and functionality)

A high quality, well-designed website is exactly what your customer wants to see. They want to know that you truly care about your business and are there to make it thrive through providing an outstanding customer experience.

Once they see that you have the knowledge, passion and skills for the job, conveyed through a top quality website, they will be more than happy to consider your services, especially given that you are clearly a company who cares about your product and wants the customer to have an unrivalled experience.


They create a top class buyer’s journey

The buyer’s journey is essential to driving sales and increasing brand awareness. But there is no such thing as a buyer’s journey if the journey is riddled with obstacles and does not make sense.

Instead, your company has to provide an easily navigable and highly efficient buyer’s journey until they reach the point of purchase.


The best way to ensure this happens is through investing in a top quality website created with a world class digital marketing team (SEO). Being experts in the buyer’s journey, they can work with you to develop a website and campaign that will give your company exactly what it needs to draw in those customers and have them wanting what you have to offer.

Come on, it’s just good for business…


The world has long since gone digital. In 2021, Ecommerce sales account for 18.1 percent of retail sales worldwide.

It’s time to look directly towards creating an advanced, fully-functional website that will draw in customers and drive those conversions in a way you haven’t seen before.

This is what good first impressions are all about, and this is why a solid website cannot be overlooked in the digital era…