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Should I sign a 12-month SEO contract?

Why SEO is a long-term investment   If your website isn’t getting as much traffic as you’d like, you know that an investment in SEO services can help increase your website traffic and sales. But...

Google algorithm’s June 2019 core update

Why did your website’s traffic drop in June?   If your website had a major loss of traffic in early June, you’re not alone. Millions of website owners, including some major news sites, were left...

Image optimisation: is it worth it?

Discover why and how to optimise images We’re an impatient bunch. Most website users expect webpages to load in under 3 seconds. In fact, waiting just a few extra seconds for a page to load can make...

Mobile-first indexing: the winners and losers

Google knows how much time we all spend on our mobiles, and sees our growing reliance on mobile search to answer life’s questions. As a result, Google implemented mobile-first indexing in...

How to create quality content

An effective content strategy is vital for any business or enterprise these days, and the fight to create substantial, helpful material is becoming more and more challenging. As users demand...

Google reviews and why all businesses should proactively get them

In the digital age, online reviews are the best way to get a gauge on how your customers perceive your business’s service, products and reputation. But there are so many more benefits that this kind...

How long does it really take to rank on Google?

We live in a world where instant gratification drives the majority of us. Fast food, reliable transport, instant payments – the modern consumer demands immediate responses and reactions. And...

Google’s March 2019 Core Update

On March 12 this year, Google quietly rolled out a major core update to its search platform. It was expected after the Medic and Penguin updates came in August and September in 2018, so this one...

What to consider when thinking about setting up an e-commerce website

There are digital rivers of gold waiting for businesses online. The total number of retail purchases made online was 5.6 percent in 2014, but that is expected to rise to 7.2 percent in 2019, and it...

Interesting new web design trends for 2019

Every year, the way we look to design small business websites shifts and changes as trends come and go. There are new tools, new functions, new trends and new designs that appeal to the masses...