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What insights Google Search Console can give you about your website

You may have dabbled with Google Analytics enough to know the power of data for optimising your website’s performance. Having this vital information gives you the ability to charge up your...

Just Jeeps: SEO Case Study

Key Points Reduced SEO monthly cost by 40% Increased website traffic by over 104% SEO generates more enquiries than paid ads. Removed penalty inducing spam content   Company background ...

Why our CMS is easy to use

Flick back to the ‘90s and you’ll see a bunch of Comic Sans-blanketed websites that look a little like simplified, online brochures. From the flashing text to the interesting (to say the least)...

How to know if your website has been hacked

  While you’re busy plugging away at your business, sometimes the unexpected pops up and you’re faced with the dilemma of cyber criminals. We’re all too quick to think...

What’s the price of a website in 2018?

It’s like walking into a shopping centre and finding yourself lost in a jungle of brands, labels and prices you can’t justify. And the internet is no different. Essentially, when you own...

What’s the big deal about keywords?

The internet is a massive place full of unimaginable amounts of content and data. It’s also an explosive space that literally influences the decisions we make, the values we carry and the lives ...

Introducing Instablog

Easy website content updates on your phone, on the go   You have a fantastic idea and think “This is the perfect news story for my website!” but you’re out and about, nowhere near your computer. ...

Ready or not: Mobile-first indexing is here

Lately, the online space has been dominated by the ‘what ifs’ of Google’s growing interest in mobile-first search. And for good reason. The search giant has long been trying to turn...